The biggest and most important Thank you goes to my husband.
Without his strength and support in my writing this book would not be possible. This is a sensitive subject
for us and sharing our ordeal is a big step in healing. I love you Honey!
Many, Many thanks to my friends; Gwen, Marsha, Christy, SC and Deb.
Your ears must be burning from endless conversation! The insights and support have been amazing as well as
encouraging. May you always have peace, love and contentment in your lives.
Thank you for helping me heal.
Special thanks to Brenda my therapist who is one of the first people to read my poetry. Thank you Brenda.
You helped me see that im not the ripple or the stone, but the woman coming out of the wave with her heart in one hand and
a sword in the other(you know how scary that is?)
A different kind of thanks to TOM. The Other Man involved. Without you the inspiration for this poetry
would not exist. I hope someday you figure out that the truth and honesty can actually be freeing and healing. I wish you